In a medical breakthrough according to the BBC Kira Mason a victim of the London bombings (7 July 2005) has had a prosthetic arm fitted to her bone and skin. According to the BBC surgeons were able to fuse a metal pin with her skin tissue and a battery pack that will help ensure that Kira is able to clench her fist and flex her muscles. It is said that getting muscle and skin to grow onto the metal is a revolutionary technique. Surgeons were inspired by the way deer antlers fused to skin which lead to the breakthrough. According to surgeon Steve Cannon
"The wonderful technology in Kira is the ability to put a piece of metal inside the body, then put it outside and stop it from becoming infected, and also allow the piece of metal to incorporate into the bone."
"The wonderful technology in Kira is the ability to put a piece of metal inside the body, then put it outside and stop it from becoming infected, and also allow the piece of metal to incorporate into the bone."
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