Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How to track your bandwidth usage for free - bitmeter

For six months when I was using Daltron's (ISP) wireless service at the end of the month I would see the bill and wounder if I really did use the amount of data that they were charging me for. I know that Daltron does offer a page where you can see how much data you have used. But how do I know that their data is correct. Well this post is going to introduce you to a tool that I have recently discovered that that allows Windows users to see how much data they are chewing through. The tool is called bitmeter which is offered free from

What bitmeter does is that it allows you to visually monitor your Internet connection by showing a scrolling graph that shows your download and upload speed over a period of time. The features of bitmeter are:
  • Graphical and numerical displays of historical data,
  • Web interface,
  • alerts,
  • stopwatch,
  • calculator,
  • transparent/float/click-through modes,
  • help file,
  • audio notifications,
  • configurable color-schemes
Follow these instructions to set up the monitoring notification to let you know once you have hit your monthly megabytes limit.
  1. Download & Install bitmeter from
  2. Once bitmeter is installed and running click on the bitmeter icon in your windows task bar to see a graphical view of your data usage.
  3. To access bitmeter's features right click on the bitmeter icon and it will show you a list of options. The one that we are looking for is called ISP restrictions. Now select it.
  4. Make sure that you select ISP restrictions apply check box.
  5. Select what day of the month your new billing period starts.
  6. Then you need to put in your monthly down load limit.
  7. Then select when bitmeter should alert you that you are getting towards the end of your limit.
  8. click Apply

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